Work safety

Besides being a legal obligation, work safety is an aspect meticulously monitored by Telcom to allow the establishment of a peaceful and productive work environment.

Since we are strongly convinced that health and full safety at the workplace should be pursued through the involvement of the employees and the spread of a prevention culture, we invest constantly in training courses (firefighting and first aid courses, firstly) and information for our workers, whatever their mansion is. Telcom workers in fact are not only considered as entities to be safeguarded but also living players that shall be made aware of their work environment conditions, use of equipment (PPE) and machinery, risks connected with them and possibility to prevent them.

In each productive factory, as well as in the offices, policies aimed at identifying and eliminating promptly the risks connected are applied. In Telcom venues Health and Safety Officers have been appointed and control groups have been assembled to ensure the compliance with procedures. We constantly strive to monitor and improve safety performances to be always certain to respect and overcome the requirements imposed by legislation.

Telcom complies with all international and national safety-related regulations.

Healthy and safe environments: a priority

Great attention is given especially to the healthiness of production environments where handling of powders and granules takes place in closed tubes, apart from contact with air to impede any contamination of polyethylene by foreign elements or its release into the environment.

The technology used inside the factories is constantly improved thanks to the setting up of a laboratory dedicated that, using very modern instruments, allows characterisation of materials, quality control, safety of products finished and ready to be placed on the market, new materials research.

How can we help you?

Contact us by phone or write us for further details. We will reply you immediately.