The company
Telcom SpA is the international leader in the sector of thermoplastic material transformation.
Since 1973, Telcom Spa stands out for the development of innovative products realized in thermoplastic material that contribute to improving life quality of those using them in different ways, by joining Italian design, solidity and functionality.
The key element of the company worldwide success is the capacity to renew constantly its products thanks to the use of cutting-edge technologies, to the ongoing training of its employees within the company and to a careful listening of the market.
Telcom, to guarantee the best services and products to its customers, carries efficiently out a business strategy of vertical integration of processes enhancing at best the skills and the know-how acquired over the years.
Each Telcom product is thus the result of high reliability and professionalism.
Telcom designers conceive and project the extremely detailed product, and then authentic craftsmen create the model for the moulding in the workshop.
Each line and each particular are handled with meticulous attention to reach a final result of impeccable quality.
“We foster creativity, we innovate daily keeping on investing in our factories.”
Our values
Our mission is to continue to develop an efficient company that, driven by a strong creative spirit and by enhancement of local resources, confirms its presence in the European market in full respect of the values system leading it.
Our fundamental values of honesty, clarity and respect for people are actually determining in every our choice, in interpreting and managing the business. General principles of behaviour are expressed in the Code of Ethical Company Principles of Telcom. They describe the behaviour that the organization expects by all the whole staff.
The principles underline our effort for the sustainable development and for the human rights asking us to operate in univocal way in full respect of standards shared at all levels of our organization.
Adhering fully to Telcom values is part of a business culture that commits us to interpret at best and to implement established guidelines. They constitute for us a very important reference framework, because they allow us to use a common approach in dealing with the risks and in seizing the opportunities that the market proposes us and to interact with the community with a view to sustainable development, in full respect of our mission and our vision. Every action and every choice carried out in this reference framework add value to our work and strengthen our leadership.
Product warranty
We are committed to provide customers an excellent product, in terms of value and quality. We invest in a continuous updating to be always in step with the changes of the thermoplastic materials working sector.
Human resources
We constantly invest to provide collaborators with training and approval required to express their potential. We work to create equal opportunities for all our employees, by establishing an enjoyable and stimulating work environment.
Sustainable development
We support policies and procedures guaranteeing a sustainable development. We are aware that the respect we show today for the environment will have a crucial impact for future generations.
We constantly invest in Research and Development to adopt and integrate new solutions and new processes in our business, being confident that innovation is fundamental to support competitiveness at global level.
We are compliant with all international and national regulations. We constantly strive to respect certified safety procedures and constantly monitor our performances.
Business culture
Our model, communicated and shared by all our employees, is focused on important aspects as creativity, innovation, respect and enhancement of available resources.