
We are constantly committed to the research of solutions aimed at reducing environmental impact.

We adopted over the years a policy aimed at giving a concrete contribution to environmental improvement, able to ensure the society a more prosperous future, in respect of future generations.

Our commitment is acting with the utmost respect of the context we live in and we are constantly committed to spread a culture oriented to a responsible attitude towards the community.


Environmental protection represents, in a policy of sustainable development, an ethical duty and a fundamental quality indicator of the company.

Protecting the environment through concrete actions

For a company of polyethylene and polypropylene manufactures production the choice to protect the environment by pursuing the sustainable development model becomes essential and especially coherent with quality values, fundamental drivers to manage our business. We work respecting all certification standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and SA 8000. The areas on which we focus mostly our attention are: conversion of the cooling system for the of a gas not harmful to the ozone layer, collection and disposal of sludge present in the cooling circuits and letto incombustibile of the moulding furnaces, combustion control of the moulding furnaces burners, updating of the environmental impact assessment.

Waste management

In compliance with current legislation, we have moved to manage efficiently waste disposal aimed at recovery non-hazardous special waste. In this regard, we adopted certain measures to sensitize the employees to respect such a choice and to contribute to the success of the project: appropriate containers have been arranged, indeed, in all offices for paper separate collection, the management of which is entrusted to specialized operators. In order to comply with standards expected by Environmental Certification some initiatives aimed at inviting all the employees to optimize paper consumption have been promoted, especially that for printers and photocopiers. Even for print material a procedure to respect the environment has been adopted, toners and cartridges are purchased mainly preferring original and certified products and, consequently sent to the site to be collected and disposed. With regard to waste, the procedures related to disposal, have been extended also to our suppliers. Different materials are differently collected and sent to companies specialized in disposal and recovery. In selecting our suppliers, we privilege, thus, the choice of partners oriented to act with a responsible behaviour towards the community, respecting the environment.

politica ambientale telcom

Resources consumption

Our will of reducing the environmental impact is realized also in a continuous monitoring of natural resources consumption in full awareness of how fundamental is a reduction of the use of the major non-renewable sources of energy, for the safeguard of future generations.

The resources we mostly use in our productive processes are electrical energy, water, methane. Over the years, the consumption of water and driving force used in the productive process have maintained approximately the same values. To reduce the purchase of plastic bottles, since some years, water dispensers have been installed in every structure so that all the employees can use them. The power supply of heating systems of our structures and production plants uses mainly methane. The company has decided to invest in photovoltaics that, during the first biennium 2010/2012, made it possible to obtain a save in terms of energy consumption of about 1.507.464 CO²/KG producing about 3.151.000 kW.

energia pulita dal sole telcom

A responsible management of the fleet of haulers

A company as Telcom cannot escape from being particularly careful with issues related to environmental protection. Because of peculiarities of our business and of the impact that can be generated by means of transport that travel daily over the entire national and foreign territories, we sensitize our suppliers in terms of environmental protection. We are, indeed, aware of the impact that the involved means generate even in high-traffic urban areas. Then, even though the fleet of vehicles is not property of Telcom, we ask our partners to respect the conditions required by the Environmental Certification ISO 14001:04 and in the matter of health and safety. In this sense, we demand from all haulers the compliance with respect of technical requirements of the vehicle such as the control of inspection as required by law and the “blue certificate”. To strengthen what is required by certification standards we continue in concretely sensitizing haulers, by monitoring the vehicles used and by demanding, where needed, the replacement of outdated vehicles and, for this, mostly

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The Telcom policy on human resources