AIFO Partnership

Interacting with the community, treating the environment around us with respect and will of contribute to create a better world.

These are the goals of Telcom and they represent the principles inspiring our choices. Our commitment is addressed constantly to the creation of general wellness for the community we operate in and, especially for future generations. For this reason, we are particularly active in researching of harmonic solutions both in respect of environmental and social profile and we have created an entrepreneurial project integrated and responsible towards the context we are inserted in.

AIFO believes that to every person, especially if emarginated, should be given dignity back and that social relations should be based on equity.

Non-governmental organization AIFO

aifo telcom

In 2003, Telcom activated a partnership with the non-governmental organization AIFO aimed at cooperation for the national care development and protection. The choice of binding to an organization as AIFO creating the project “Acquarius – water for life” committed us in the concretization of different programs in support of it, emerging from the awareness that our Company can’t do without initiatives that are not business-related and that, for this reason, it should offer a contribution to the resolution of global problems. We believe, then, that respecting the world we live in is a duty, by behaving in a responsible manner and acting with moral integrity.

The choice to offer our contribution to AIFO arose from the will of collaborating with a single organization globally committed that has concrete goals to contribute to the development of disadvantaged areas, to childhood protection and support and to intercultural education.

In 2007, there was the completion of the project “Acquarius – water for life” by the collaboration of Telcom Spa and the national association AIFO of Bologna in accordance with local Ministry of Health for the construction of 8 drinking water wells and for the reparation of 36 water sources in rural communities in the province of Nampula in Mozambique. That was for facilitating the supply conditions of drinking water for local population, for an improvement of hygienic-sanitary conditions of about 30.000 people. Mozambique is one of the five poorest countries in the world and it is very backward with regard to life expectancy at birth, literacy and percentage of population living every day below the poverty line. Telcom commitment is of primary importance for local sanitary activities, in fact the possibility to take advantage of water resources will determine an increase of quality level of the service.

The gesture done by Telcom shows the will to support concretely the values of centrality of the person, gratuity and responsibility towards the weakest of developing countries.

How can we help you?

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